15 October 2008


This morning, in the dream,

I was a student of high school.
All of my friends were happy because they enjoyed the school festival.
They had been up on stage and sung a song.
I was not happy because I had not known the school festival itself.


From old french "enjoir"
"En-" means "make".
"Enjoy" means "MAKE A JOY".

It's very important for me.

11 October 2008


The dream of this mornning.

I was mannaging the election of the president of U.S.
I asked an authority about our possibility to win.
She said "It's very difficult".
I began to build a plan to win the race.

I can not rememer the name of my candidate(候補者).

Difficult Difficulty

From old French "difficulte", From Latin "difficultatem" or "difficilis".
"Dis- " means "not, away from".
"Facilis" means "easy".

Hard is the most gennal word.
Difficult and hard are interchangeable
Difficult is used for one's skill.
For example "This book is difficult to read for me"



Yesterday mornning, In the dream,

I was making a plan for the construction of a building.
I was going to participate a competition of big project.
The competitors are famous architects.
I was worried about to build a plan.

Construction Construct
 From Latin "construere".
 "Com- " means "together".
 "Struere" means "pile up, build, assemble"

 From Old English "bold" or "byldan".
 "Bold" means "house".
 "byldan" mneans "construct a house"


09 October 2008

Sparing and Appreciating

This morning, IN THE DREAM,

I was near by Kitasenri-Station
I was trying to teach young people “Differentiation between sparing(ケチる) and appreciating (大切にする) ”.
But the young people couldn't understand that , because I had not understood.
So I started thinking about the se differentiations.

After w aking up, I checked the meaning of sparing and appreciating .

Spare v
 To use with out wasting.
 To be free from an obligation or duty.
 To treat with inordinate(exceeding normal limit) gentleness and care.

Old English sparian
 To make oneself free from harming.
 To allow to go free.

Appreciate v.
 To recognize the quality, significance.
 To be fully aware of or sensitive to.

Late Latin appretiatus
 To esteem or value highly.

Late Latin appretiare
 Value, estimate

The differentiation is knowing or not the real value of the things .



This mornning, IN THE DREAM.

I was standing near by World Trade Center Builiding in New York.
I watched a airplane flying to the building.
In such situation, I was thinking about meaning of the word "Ground".

I woke up, and checked the meaning of "Ground".
The solid surface of the earth.
Soil; earth
The foundation for a belief, or an action
A basis

Etymology says that the word "ground" comes from old english word "groud".
"Groud" means "bottom of the sea".

And ground is past tense and past participle of "grind".
"Grind" means " to clush or to reduce to powder something by rubbing between two hard surfaces"

Etymology says that the word "girind" comes from old english word "grindan".
It means "destroy by crushing".

Now, I feel the power of the earth from the word "ground".



I am thinking about "responsibility".
I checked this word in ETYMOLOGY.

"Re-" means "back", for exsample "return"
The word "spons" comes from Latin, it means "promise"
"-ibility" means "ability","the quailty being able to do something".

"Responsibility" means "ability to promise to do to order or request".
Responsibility needs real actions.


*ETYMOLOGY means origin of a word or dictionary of origin of words.