09 October 2008


This mornning, IN THE DREAM.

I was standing near by World Trade Center Builiding in New York.
I watched a airplane flying to the building.
In such situation, I was thinking about meaning of the word "Ground".

I woke up, and checked the meaning of "Ground".
The solid surface of the earth.
Soil; earth
The foundation for a belief, or an action
A basis

Etymology says that the word "ground" comes from old english word "groud".
"Groud" means "bottom of the sea".

And ground is past tense and past participle of "grind".
"Grind" means " to clush or to reduce to powder something by rubbing between two hard surfaces"

Etymology says that the word "girind" comes from old english word "grindan".
It means "destroy by crushing".

Now, I feel the power of the earth from the word "ground".


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